Friday, February 24, 2012

Do they have to have a passport to travel between the US and Puerto Rico?|||Puerto Ricans are natural born US citizens from birth, and do not need a passport to come to the mainland US.|||No, they aren't immigrants, they are United States citizens since Puerto Rico is part of the United States. I don't know what the thumbs down are about, probally some embarrassed Puerto Rican that doesn't want to admit it and pretend they are immigrants. If they want to be their own country, I'm all for it. We waste billions of dollars subsidizing them.|||Not all US nationals are US citizens; but all US citizens are US nationals.

Non-citizen U.S. nationals may reside and work in the United States without restrictions, and may apply for citizenship under the same rules as resident aliens.

Like aliens, U.S. nationals who are not citizens are not prevented from voting in state and federal elections by the federal government, but are not allowed in any U.S. state to vote in federal elections.

Please read the wikipedia article on US citizenship law|||No.

People arriving in PR from other countries go through US Customs and Immigration upon arriving in PR. So if they are already in PR, obviously they've already gone through it.

It is no different than flying from New York to Boston.

Edit: Who is giving the "thumbs down"? The top 3 answers are all in agreement, and correct.|||Puerto Rico is a US Territory so they residents are US citizens. they do not pay Federal Income tax but do receive Federal Dollars for food stamps and other assitance. Costs provided by US taxpayers.|||No

Puerto Ricans are US citizens from birth

while they dont need a PP they would need a legal document of some kind - such as their birth certificate - to prove they are not illegal|||Puerto Rican are automatic birthright U.S. Citizens|||Teekno is correct.|||No, they don't.|||No, because we own them.


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