Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I know that Puerto Rico is a US colony, and is not allowed to have any relationship with other countries, but what countries are "Friends"of Puerto Rico? I know the US is one, but are any countries also friendly with Puerto Rico, like Cuba, Dominican Republic, "Russia"-(I doubt it), etc.|||Any country that is friend of USA is a friend of Puerto Rico. Any country that is an enemy of USA is a an enemy of Puerto Rico.

Basically, Puerto Rico is not allowed to start relationships with other nations on its own, we do that after we got an OK from the US Department of State.|||Like someone said, whoever is friend of the USA is a friend of Puerto Rico, but that's only in the political aspect. If we're talking about culture, sports and any other aspects outside politics then each and every Latin American country are our friends...and that include Cuba. By the way, Cuba and Puerto Rico share basically the same history, our flags were designed identical only with the colors inverted. Unfortunately as a USA colony we don't have the chance to build our own relationship with the rest of the world, that's the sad truth.|||No, Puerto Rico is not a colony, it's a territory or a commonwealth. And no, it doesn't have friendly relations with Cuba. Geez!

The United States Congress legislates over many fundamental aspects of Puerto Rican life, including citizenship, currency, postal service, foreign affairs, military defense, communications, labor relations, the environment, commerce, finance, health and welfare, and many others.[|||Puerto Rico is basically part of the United States. Its a commonwealth. P.R. doesn't really get along with the Dominican Republic.|||Because Puerto Rico is a US territory, it's foreign policy is the same as the US. It does not have its own diplomatic relationships with foreign countries.|||Most of the lesser Antilles. There are a lot of people who fly in to see certain specialist since on their islands they lack some medical professionals such as urologists, neurologists, etc...


1 comment:

  1. The Second Oscar – Mandela March in New York City 2015

    We will be having our 2nd Oscar – Mandela Protest March on Monday, June 22, 2015. We will start marching peacefully at 9 AM from Hunter College on East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, to East 43rd Street and Lexington Avenue. We will then go East (turning left) to end up at the Ralph Bunche Park on First Avenue (across from the United Nations).

    We will be at the park until 5 PM. We will be giving out flyers and talking to people about who Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera is. We will also be educating the public about Puerto Rico’s colonial relationship with the government of the United States (US).

    Most people don’t know that every year, usually on the Monday after Fathers’ Day, the United Nations holds its hearing about the decolonization of Puerto Rico. The petitioners will usually join our protest after this meeting.

    The UN determined in 1960 that colonialism is a crime against humanity. Since then, the UN has issued 33 resolutions asking for the US government to immediately decolonize Puerto Rico. The US government has ignored these resolutions. What kind of democracy is that?

    The US government tries to keep these hearings a secret. What we are trying to do is to get them out of the closet. The UN is in its 3rd decade trying to make the world colony-free. Please help us!

    Most people also don’t know that the United States government takes out 14 times more money than what it invests in Puerto Rico. But, that is what colonies are for!

    This savage exploitation impedes Puerto Rico’s ability to provide opportunities for Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico. That is why there are now more Puerto Ricans living away from Puerto Rico than in their homeland.

    Oscar López Rivera has been incarcerated for 34 years for his struggle to decolonize Puerto Rico. Since colonialism is an international crime, international law gives Oscar the right to use whatever means necessary to decolonize his homeland. Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 27 years for doing the same thing as Oscar. This is why we say, Oscar López Rivera is our Nelson Mandela!

    United Partners for Puerto Rico Decolonization invites the public to be part of the tsunami of people that will be necessary to make the US government comply with the UN resolutions. These annual protests in Puerto Rico and at the UN are absolutely necessary, because, those who maintain colonies, don’t believe in justice for all!

    José M López Sierra
