Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Are there any jobs that you can only find in Puerto Rico?
Are there any that make up a large percent of the Puerto Rican workforce?|||I can not think of an occupation that is unique to Puerto Rico, unless you link it to an article, animal or plant that is unique to Puerto Rico. For example:

I know a man whose job is to take care of the population of Amazona Vittata at the El Yunque National Forest. The Amazon Vittata is in danger of extintion and he works to protect and preserve this unique birds. Since there are no Amazona Vittata in other parts of the world then from certain point of view you can say his occupation is unique to Puerto Rico.

However, from another point of view, he is a ornitologist, a scientist who study birds. They are not unique to Puerto Rico, they are all over the world studying different birds (endemic or not) around the world.
Ornithologists or zoologists in general are a very small percent of the Puerto Rican workforce.
* Coffee is not harvested only in PR, there are coffee plantations in Colombia and other places.
* Bacardi has rum factories / bottling plants in other places like in Bermuda and Mexico; they are not only in Puerto Rico. It is true that some rums are only produced in PR, but the occupations needed to produce them are not unique of PR.
* Tourism jobs? There are tourism occupations al over the world.
* Work for a Puerto Rican historical society? Yes but performing what job / occupation?
*** Research director? Historian? Curator? Archeologist? Executive Assistant? Security Guard?
There is not uniqueness of occupations at a PuertoRican Historical Society, the only unique may be the field of study. However, the puertorricans living at New York may have a "PuertoRican Historical Society"; therefore that can not be counted as "unique occupation to Puerto Rico".|||Jobs that are common (but not unique) in PR:
* Retail store salespersons, teachers, goverment employees, manufacturing operators, engineers, etc.

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|||coffee agriculture growth and picking up.
bacardi rum factory, or other puerto rican rum.
forestry jobs and tourism around the island jobs.|||You can work for a Puerto Rican historical society


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