Friday, March 9, 2012

Did anybody hear about the vote that's going to take place tommorrow? Congress is going to vote on whether to add Puerto Rico as a State in the U.S. or not. What do you guys think? Do you think Puerto Rico is going to be added?|||No, they're just voting to authorize a vote by the Puerto Ricans.|||no. i dont htink so theyve been talking about it forever and it still hasnt happened.|||They vote ABOUT every ten years and are usually divided. 33% want to be a state, 33% want to be independent and 33% want to remain a territory.

It's up to them, but I hope they join us. They're already Americans so why not get that electoral vote...|||Israel beat them to it.|||Depends on how many more votes the demoRats (liberals, socialist) need to have an anti filibuster majority. There are more people per capita living in public housing in Puerto Rico than anywhere else in the US.


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