Friday, March 9, 2012
I keep telling Puerto Rican friends of mine that Puerto Rico is not a country because to be a country you must have a President, Prime Minister, etc...but they keep insisting it's a country!|||Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States. Since its not a state.... its not a state. But its not a country either. Its a commonwealth.
Look up coomonwealth that will explain it in any search engine, but its not a country and its not a state.
Lets remember a few years back they voted to be a state. It only lost by 2%. I dont think everybody in puerto rico wants to be an independant country. Plus it will never happen.|||Im mixed with puerto rican yo soy Boricua. Puerto Rico is a commowealth and it is also a territory so that explains its apart of the (U.S) if you live in america and you come vist P.R you dont need a passport just show your ID basically Facts: puerto rican consider thereself as a us citizen. THANKS!
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|||its called self determination|||it once was a country, now is a part of the u.s., but puerto ricans (true boriqua's) like to still consider it it's own country.|||You're right. Its stated as a territory, they have all the same laws that are in the US except they control their own local affairs.|||The last I knew it was classified as a "protectorate."Some Puerto Ricans have long wanted it to be a country of its own and so have a lot of mainland Americans. Some of the former have been pretty militant. A few tried to assassinate Harry Truman once. Secret Service agents killed them, but one of them got so far as the back stairs to where he was.
I don't know why the federal government hangs onto it. I have been told that the Puerto Ricans have voted to stay with the US when they've had the chance to decide.|||Puerto Rico is considered a Commonwealth. "Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico...(Associated Free State) Puerto Rico is NOT an independent country, but a non-incorporated territory, belonging to the US, but not a part of the US. Even though federal US law is applicable, Puerto Rico is not a state & has no voting representation in US law. You are technically right, but you may want to look at it from another perspective.
P.S. There is a big movement in PR to become an independent maybe that's where their coming from?|||Puerto Rico has never been a country. It was founded by the Spandiards, who killed off the natives. They had the territory until the Spanish American War, which they lost.
The Puerto Ricans themselves don't want statehood, and they will be independent within our lifetime. Puerto Ricans have resoundingly rejected statehood, during 3 recent special elections. How much more US taxpayer money are we going to waste on yet another special election, when we already know the answer?|||Puerto Rico is Commonwealth of the United States. It is a second class State in he USA.
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Should criminals be in charge of correcting the wrong they inflicted?
ReplyDeletePuerto Ricans vote in elections every 4 years at an 80% level of participation. Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States (US) government for the past 116 years. If the US government has the final say in what happens in Puerto Rico, what is the purpose of these elections? The purpose is to fool the world that Puerto Rico is a democracy.
The United Nations (UN) declared colonialism a crime against humanity in 1960. The UN has asked the US government 33 times to decolonize Puerto Rico immediately. The US government has refused. It says that Puerto Rico’s political relationship with the United States is none of the UN’s business. The US says that it is a domestic affair.
To appear that the US government wants to decolonize Puerto Rico, it promotes the use of plebiscites to determine what Puerto Ricans want. Doesn’t that sounds innocent and democratic? So what’s the problem?
To begin with, the international community already rendered its verdict and determined that colonialism is illegal. So to have a political status option in a plebiscite that favors maintaining Puerto Rico a colony of the United States is not permitted. To have a political status option of Puerto Rico becoming a state of the United States is also not permitted under international law. The problem goes back to the beginning of this article. In order to have free elections, the country must be free. So before these elections and plebiscite could be valid, Puerto Rico would have to first be an independent nation.
What people must realize is that Puerto Rico is a colony of the US because the US government wants it that way. That is why it has used terrorism to keep it that way. That is why it refuses to release the Puerto Rican political prisoner of 33 years Oscar López Rivera. That is also why it is ridiculous to believe that decolonization is a US internal matter in which the UN has no jurisdiction over. If we allow the US government to decolonize Puerto Rico, she will remain a colony of the United States forever!
José M López Sierra
The Second Oscar – Mandela March in New York City 2015
ReplyDeleteWe will be having our 2nd Oscar – Mandela Protest March on Monday, June 22, 2015. We will start marching peacefully at 9 AM from Hunter College on East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, to East 43rd Street and Lexington Avenue. We will then go East (turning left) to end up at the Ralph Bunche Park on First Avenue (across from the United Nations).
We will be at the park until 5 PM. We will be giving out flyers and talking to people about who Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera is. We will also be educating the public about Puerto Rico’s colonial relationship with the government of the United States (US).
Most people don’t know that every year, usually on the Monday after Fathers’ Day, the United Nations holds its hearing about the decolonization of Puerto Rico. The petitioners will usually join our protest after this meeting.
The UN determined in 1960 that colonialism is a crime against humanity. Since then, the UN has issued 33 resolutions asking for the US government to immediately decolonize Puerto Rico. The US government has ignored these resolutions. What kind of democracy is that?
The US government tries to keep these hearings a secret. What we are trying to do is to get them out of the closet. The UN is in its 3rd decade trying to make the world colony-free. Please help us!
Most people also don’t know that the United States government takes out 14 times more money than what it invests in Puerto Rico. But, that is what colonies are for!
This savage exploitation impedes Puerto Rico’s ability to provide opportunities for Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico. That is why there are now more Puerto Ricans living away from Puerto Rico than in their homeland.
Oscar López Rivera has been incarcerated for 34 years for his struggle to decolonize Puerto Rico. Since colonialism is an international crime, international law gives Oscar the right to use whatever means necessary to decolonize his homeland. Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 27 years for doing the same thing as Oscar. This is why we say, Oscar López Rivera is our Nelson Mandela!
United Partners for Puerto Rico Decolonization invites the public to be part of the tsunami of people that will be necessary to make the US government comply with the UN resolutions. These annual protests in Puerto Rico and at the UN are absolutely necessary, because, those who maintain colonies, don’t believe in justice for all!
José M López Sierra